04 October 2009

I've gone a long way to give it all up.
Despite feeling sore over it, I will continue to move ahead and not look back.
No turning back. It is something I will not do. Not ever.
We have come a long way to where we are now.
In order to take another step ahead, a lot of factors need to be taken into consideration.
Yes, it is not easy but nothing is difficult with proper planning and teamwork(very important!)
I hope we will be ready for that next step. :)
Have not been religiously blogging due to various commitments. Drained.
However, for the sake of better future I shall persevere and endure.

Hope it is not too late to publicly wish..

Nur Ashikin Binte Tahir, a belated HAPPY 23rd BIRTHDAY!
May you be blessed with happiness.
Don't feel that insecure about he forgetting to wish. I'm sure it was an honest mistake.

Muhammad Fuad Bin Muhammad Zain, a HAPPY 23rd BIRTHDAY!
May you be successful in your life! Learn to be more patient in life ya! :)

All Muslims around the world, SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI!
In times of happiness, don't forget the less fortunate ones.
Be appreciative 'cos you will never know when you will face with hardships.
Celebrate and Eat in Moderation this festive month! :)