17 July 2008

This is no fun. Staying in a room isolated from everyone else. It feels like I am being quarantined due to some contagious illness. I am feeling bored here. I can’t deny the fact that I am more productive since there’s lesser distraction BUT I definitely cannot survive being alone in this room. Hate the emptiness and loneliness. ARGH!!!! Please rescue me from this ordeal. As of today, it has been close to 3 weeks I habituate this place.

Now, I am wishing for the renovation to end as soon as possible so as to unleash myself from this torture chamber!! Well..well..It sounds like some theatrical performance going on here. Hey, I am capable of making things look dramatic. I’m the queen of exaggeration.

I think I have shed all my bitchiness away for the time being. It has gone away with the less frequent drama performance. Negligible in fact. SIGH!!

Have I actually make a mess out of my life? Mockery? Hmmmm..I am clueless.
I cant seem to come to a conclusion. My work? Has been depressing. My morale is very very low. I keep believing I am not cut for this firm and the job it offers. *CRIES*

This entry is extremely random.

Point to take note: Date with Mr. Dark knight on Saturday! Whee!!

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