23 May 2007

Oh my! I hate when I cant connect to Internet. What's the use of computers without internet? Useless! I am facing problem with the Internet connection despite having my PC. This is totally pointless i tell you. So that explains my further delay in updating my blog. I am totally not busy at all. My life have been as usual. Work taking up the bulk of my time on weekdays. At night, I spent it on trying to do something useful but apparently I ended up listening to music or exploring the new PC.

So there is no reason for me to say that I am busy apart from the work. I definitely need something to keep me on the go. I am currently considering to pursue my studies. Be it in Law or Science. I am exploring a few avenues of possiblities. If I am going to start studying again better be soon or I wont be able to do it in the future. I am also considering the driving license.
I dont even know if I save enough for all of these. Money is always an issue! Argh!

By the way, I really need to shop. I dont care already ah.. I feel so deprieve.

Tomorrow almost all of my colleagues wont be in the office once the clock strike 3. Why? 'Cos 2 are on vacation. 3 are going for course. 1 on study leave. Left? With me and the receptionist. I wonder what will happen tommorow. I am so looking forward to it. Hehe!

I cant wait for Friday! Firstly, I'm meeting Shikin and Shahdon for Prata! Out of all place, it should be Yishun. Haha! Nvm nvm..I dont mind it at all. Secondly, it's approaching weekend! Yay! So happy! Next week another holiday..Vesak Day! double yay!
I am so loving Public Holidays. I wish they have more Public holidays!

I will try to update something worth reading soon. My mind cant think of anything else now rather than Writs and letters.

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