24 March 2022


A decade since my last entry. Of course, change is inevitable. We all change, hopefully for the better. Our perspective of life evolve through time. So is mine. What used to spark joy in our lives have also evolve.

I spent a few days reading through my past entries. I was amazed at how I was very eager to share with the cyberworld about what I have been up to and feeling. Like many of us, I was giggling at my silliness, cringing at those teenage dramas that had happened and regretting how I used to spend my time. I am not proud of some of the things that I have done or not done. That was the past afterall. We are all still in a learning journey, discovering our strengths and weaknesses. What we can do in the present is to strive to be the better version of ourselves and pursue to create an even better future self. 

I have decided to keep this blog so that I can look back at how much I have grown over the decades and how I view life at different phases of my life. I am glad that technology exists at such an early years of my life for me to be able to keep archive my journey in this temporary world. I am hoping to be back here soon to share and express my random thoughts. Not that I think that anyone would read it but this time I am doing it for me. Till then, be the positive change that you want to be. ❤

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